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Project V_project venv翻译

zmhk 2024-09-14
Project V_project venv翻译       今天,我将与大家共同探讨Project V的今日更新,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。1.小火箭vmess链接怎
Project V_project venv翻译

       今天,我将与大家共同探讨Project V的今日更新,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。




4.请问 project 和programme 有何区别?Thanks!

Project V_project venv翻译




       Just My Socks V2ray加密方法选none要么auto上不了网,请改成chacha20-ietf-poly1305。

       V2Ray?是Victoria Raymond以及其社群团队开发的Project V下的一个工具。

       Project V是一个工具集合,号称可以帮助其使用者打造专属的基础通信网络。

       Project V的核心工具称为V2Ray,其主要负责网络协议和功能的实现,与其它Project V通信。











       临时性的、一次性的。通常情况下,是有资源、成本、预算、时间上的约束几个条件为前提的。有清晰的截止日期,是具有实际成果并且可交付的短期目标。(Projects are temporary, one-off undertakings. They are generally bound by cost, resource, budget, and time constraints. Projects have clear end dates and short-term goals that give way to tangible outcomes or deliverables.)


       由基础的、相关联的project组成,这些 project 相互补充、依存建立,用以实现更大的、长期的业务目标。一个成功的program带来的是战略利益和组织成长,而不是单一的、有形的可交付成果。(Programs are composed of several underlying, interconnected projects. These projects complement and build off one another to achieve a larger, long-term business objective. A successful program drives strategic benefits and organizational growth, rather than a single, tangible deliverable.)

请问 project 和programme 有何区别?Thanks!












       n.Abbr. e.,E.,eng.(名词)缩写 e.,E.,eng.

       The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.


       The profession of or the work performed by an engineer.


       Skillful maneuvering or direction:


       geopolitical engineering; social engineering.





       工程, 工程学

       设计, 工程[工艺]技术, 制造工艺, 技术设备

       操纵, 管理

       engineering college

       工学院 E-Corps 工兵部队

       engineering instructions


       engineering report


       engineering (servicing) time




       从事工程的, 与工程有关的

       aerospace engineering


       airport engineering


       audio engineering

       声频工程, 声频技术

       biochemical engineering


       biological engineering


       cell engineering


       chromosome engineering


       coastal engineering


       constructional engineering

       建筑工程, 结构工程

       earthquake engineering


       electrical engineering

       电工技术, 电气工程, 电机工程

       field engineering

       外部工程; 安装工程

       gene engineering


       genetic engineering


       harbor engineering


       heat engineering


       heavy engineering


       human engineering

       运行工程学(研制机器时, 考虑操作员的能力、限制、习惯等因素的科学), 人事管理学, 人体工程学

       hydraulic engineering


       industrial engineering

       工业工程, 工业管理学

       jewish engineering


       job engineering


       knowledge engineering


       language engineering


       light current engineering


       maintenance engineering


       management systems engineering


       marine traffic engineering


       mechanical engineering


       metallurgical engineering


       methods engineering


       microwave engineering


       mineral engineering


       molecular engineering


       municipal engineering


       naval engineering


       nuclear engineering


       ocean engineering


       offshore engineering


       openings and development engineering


       plant engineering

       设备安装使用工程, 设备运转技术

       plasma engineering


       plasmid engineering


       process engineering


       process control engineering


       production engineering

       工艺设计, 生产过程组织技术

       protein engineering


       quarry engineering


       radiation chemical engineering


       radio-frequency engineering


       railroad engineering


       reaction engineering


       relay engineering


       river engineering


       river-and-harbour engineering


       signal engineering


       sinking and driving engineering


       software engineering


       subminiature engineering


       systematic engineering


       television engineering

       电视学, 电视工程(学)

       thermonuclear chemical engineering


       timber engineering


       transportation engineering


       ultrasonic engineering


       underwater engineering


       value engineering

       工程经济学, 价值工程

       water-supply engineering


       weak current engineering


       wind power engineering







       n.Abbr. e.,E.,eng.

       The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.

       The profession of or the work performed by an engineer.

       Skillful maneuvering or direction:

       geopolitical engineering; social engineering.


       engineer+ -ing 名词后缀




       计划, 方案, 事业, 企业, 工程


       设计, 计划, 投射, 放映, 射出, 发射(导弹等), 凸出



       AHD:[pr?j“?kt”, -?kt]

       D.J.[6prKd97ekt, -!kt]

       K.K.[6pr$d97Wkt, -!kt]


       A plan or proposal; a scheme.See Synonyms at plan

       计划,方案:计划或提议;方案参见 plan

       An undertaking requiring concerted effort:


       a community cleanup project; a government-funded irrigation project.


       An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons.


       A housing project.






       To thrust outward or forward:


       project one's jaw in defiance.


       To throw forward; hurl:


       project an arrow.


       To send out into space; cast:


       project a light beam.


       To cause (an image) to appear on a surface:


       projected the slide onto a screen.


       Mathematics To produce (a projection).

       数学 制作(投影线)

       To direct (one's voice) so as to be heard clearly at a distance.


       Psychology To externalize and attribute (an emotion, for example) to someone or something else.

       心理学 把感情投射于…:显露并将(比如感情)归因于某人或其他事

       To convey an impression of to an audience or to others:


       a posture that projects defeat; projected a positive corporate image.


       To form a plan or an intention for:


       project a new business enterprise.


       To calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the future), based on present data or trends:


       projecting next year's expenses and income.



       To extend forward or out; jut out:


       beams that project beyond the eaves.See Synonyms at bulge

       伸出屋檐的梁参见 bulge

       To direct one's voice so as to be heard clearly at a distance.


       Middle English projecte

       中古英语 projecte

       from Latin pr?m [projecting structure] [from neuter past participle of] pr?icere [to throw out]

       源自 拉丁语 pr?m [突出结构] [] 源自pr?icere的中性过去分词 [扔出]

       pr?- [forth] * see pro- 1

       pr?- [向前的] *参见 pro-1

       iacere [to throw] * see y?-

       iacere [扔] *参见 y?-






       方案, 计划, 规划, 设计

       工程, 企业, 事业

       科研项目; 课外自修项目

       carry out a new project


       irrigation project






       计划, 规划, 筹划

       投掷, 抛出; 发射

       投影, 上映

       使突出, 使凸出

       预言, 预测, 预想

       表明...的特点, 生动地表演

       数作...投影图, 把...画成一投影状

       心理使(思想感情)形象化, 具体化

       化投入(into, on)

       project a new dam


       project a film on the screen


       project one's country overseas


       He projected the weather for the coming week.





       伸出, 突出


       Nails that project from the wall may tear your clothes.


       The upper storey projects over the street.







       突出的, 凹出的





       advanced project




       project oneself

       突出自己, 表现自己


       projectsth. onto sb.

       设想某人怀有和自己 一样的想法(或感情); 以己之心度人之腹

       advanced project




       project oneself

       突出自己, 表现自己


       projectsth. onto sb.

       设想某人怀有和自己 一样的想法(或感情); 以己之心度人之腹

       action projects


       advanced project

       先进(研究)计划, 尖端(研究)计划, 高级计划; 已经提出的计划; 远景计划

       agricultural projects


       aptitude project


       automatic block project


       bankable project


       capital project


       capital intensive project


       centralized traffic control project


       chemical project


       smoke project


       action projects


       advanced project

       先进(研究)计划, 尖端(研究)计划, 高级计划; 已经提出的计划; 远景计划

       agricultural projects


       aptitude project


       automatic block project


       bankable project


       capital project


       capital intensive project


       centralized traffic control project


       chemical project


       Citizenship Education P-


       community development project


       co-publishing project


       crash project


       curriculum project


       Delta P-


       demonstration project


       development project


       diploma project


       economic project


       economically unsound project


       educational research project


       engineering project


       environmental project


       financial project


       flood retarding project


       follow-on project


       generating project


       going project

       进行中 项目

       graduation project


       higher horizons project


       horizontal project


       housing project


       hydroelectric project


       hydropower project

       水电站项目; 在建的水电站

       incompleted project


       independent educational project


       industrial project

       在建的工业项目; 工业项目施工设计

       integrated project


       interlocking project


       investment project


       investment-oriented project


       irrigation projects

       农田水利规划, 灌溉设计

       joint project

       联合规划, 合作计划

       labo(u)r-intensive projects


       land settlement project


       large scale social overhead capital projects


       link project

       联接计划(把各国的经济计量模式联结起来, 表现各国经济通过外贸所受的影响)

       livestock development project


       long-term project


       long-term investment projects


       maintenance project


       major project


       manufacturing projects


       multidiscipli-nary long-term project


       multiple-purpose project


       mutually exclusive projects


       on-going project


       operational project

       业务项目, 实施中的项目

       pilot project


       pilot demonstration project


       planned project


       population project


       power project

       发电站项目; 在建发电站

       preliminary project


       prototype project


       publishing project


       research project


       research and development project


       resignal(l)ing project


       rural development project


       School Mathematics P-


       shortrange project


       short-term project


       signaling project


       specific project


       specified project


       split project


       subsidized research project


       turn-key project

       “交钥匙”工程项目, 成套包建项目

       uprating project


       variant projects of location


       water conservancy project


       work project


       World Fertility Survey P-


       Projects to Advance Creativity in Education


       作...投影图 把...画成一投影状 ⑧心理使(思想感情)形象化 具体化 ⑨化投入(into on)

       project a new dam 规划新的堤坝 project a film on the screen 把影片映在银幕上 project one's country overseas 向海外介绍自已的国家 He projected the weather for the coming week. 他预测下个星期的天气。


       ①伸出, 突出 ②设想自已处身于(into)

       Nails that project from the wall may tear your clothes.


       The upper storey projects over the street.







       突出的, 凹出的







       AHD:[pr?j“?kt”, -?kt]

       D.J.[6prKd/7ekt, -!kt]

       K.K.[6pr$d/7Wkt, -!kt]


       A plan or proposal; a scheme.See Synonyms at plan

       An undertaking requiring concerted effort:

       a community cleanup project; a government-funded irrigation project.

       An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons.

       A housing project.





       To thrust outward or forward:

       project one's jaw in defiance.

       To throw forward; hurl:

       project an arrow.

       To send out into space; cast:

       project a light beam.

       To cause (an image) to appear on a surface:

       projected the slide onto a screen.

       Mathematics To produce (a projection).

       To direct (one's voice) so as to be heard clearly at a distance.

       Psychology To externalize and attribute (an emotion, for example) to someone or something else.

       To convey an impression of to an audience or to others:

       a posture that projects defeat; projected a positive corporate image.

       To form a plan or an intention for:

       project a new business enterprise.

       To calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the future), based on present data or trends:

       projecting next year's expenses and income.


       To extend forward or out; jut out:

       beams that project beyond the eaves.See Synonyms at bulge

       To direct one's voice so as to be heard clearly at a distance.

       Middle English projecte

       from Latin pr?m [projecting structure] [from neuter past participle of] pr?icere [to throw out]

       pr?- [forth] * see pro- 1

       iacere [to throw] * see y?-






       bulgedesignenterpriseintentionplanplotproposalprotrudeschemescreenshowstick outundertakingventure

       我个人认为主要的区别是, programme的用法相对而言比较窄, 一般表达 节目或者程序

       project的用法侧宽了很多, 计划, 方案, 发射, 投影,动词方面用的更多。


       n. 工程,项目,计划,事业

       v. 计划,设计,表达

       v. 投射,放映,凸出

       A missile was projected into space.


       The project became so expensive that we had to pull




       n. 节目,程序,规划

       v. 为...规划程序,拟...节目,制作节目

       What's the programme for tomorrow?


       好了,关于“Project V”的讨论到此结束。希望大家能够更深入地了解“Project V”,并从我的解答中获得一些启示。